Bec Andersen Textile Artist - eCommerce website
Bec Andersen wished to have a new website developed to showcase her rug making craft, promote workshops and community events and to allow online sales of rugs and rug making supplies.
Design based on existing website
We took her existing design, logo and colour scheme and modernized the layout. We included more space for large images that also display in a lightbox, to highlight her rugs and workshop imagery in detail. This allows the site to create the feel of community and creativity that is the core of Bec Andersen’s craft.
C.7 and mobile responsive
We built this webshop using the latest version of concrete5, 5.7 to allow us to access the latest composer and attribute features as well as smooth editing controls.
The webshop is also fully mobile responsive.
First major use of Vivid Shop
Bec wished to add a shop element to her website and be able to take orders for rugs and rug making tools, equipment and wools.
As we wished to build the new site in the latest concrete5 version, 5.7 this was our first major use of the new Vivid Shop for concrete 5.7.
We customised the Vivid shop to include product lightboxes, styled the cart pop up and the checkout display to match the website.
The Checkout process is also customised to move through the different sections – name/ address details, card details etc… so the section a customer is completing is highlighted as they use it, then when they submit the screen moves down to the next section automatically for easy use. This is often called a 'single page checkout', but we feel it doesn't suffer from presenting too much to complete all at once.
Out of the box the Vivid shop allowed us to customise the shipping to include a flat rate until an order reached $100 at which point shipping becomes free.
We also customised the addition of product option drop downs, to allow people to select different wool thicknesses and different product colour and tool combinations for Rug making starter packs.
We found this customisation of the shop to be a straightforward and flexible process, allowing us to craft the shop to fully suit our clients’ needs.
The website also features composer driven rugs pages, with an automatic slideshow to ensure the easy addition of highlighted commissioned rugs to the site. These pages showcase the work of our client and detail the rug design and meaning clearly.
Calendar used for workshops/ events
Bec also wished to promote upcoming workshops run at her studio and to take sales for these. Further she wished to promote free community art events.
To manage this we used our calendar system and styled the event pages to include a global payment details strip.
Using the calendar system allowed us to feature a page list of workshops with a wide style and a full calendar view to highlight all events Bec wished to promote.